Enhanced Workplace Safety
Adding human factor engineers, welders, and about eleven types of workers to the picture can bring about a situation that the welders are overwhelmed and in need of creative equipment or techniques. The robot operates uninterrupted, protected by a curtain barrier, safety light curtains and a variety of alarm sensor devices. It never stops to rest and raises its error-free journey yield to surpass expectations. Because workers with helmets and protective clothing have to be confined from the robot - they'd even gotten used to reactor accidents in those suits. Occupational health hazards have not been heard of near this kind of setup For 16 hours a day or more, workers in the field have to withstand dust and smoke inhalation. Multi- directional Alarms recorded the sound of almost two dozen equipment as well as their operators, 24 hour a day. The robot is confined within defined safety parameters. This allows it to weld in a controlled and unerring manner. It protects employees and prevents them from becoming statistics in electrical accidents; it helps to contain insurance losses by not only reducing the frequency of injuries but also improving morale and thus productivity among workers. That in turn leads to fewer unemployment claims for employers who are required by law to provide paid leave when an industrial injury occurs--from lower costs and better wages! For business, Safety means: Safety means less time lost through accidents which could have been avoided, fewer costs for both lives and property. Moreover it's a plus on their reputation.